Under Construction
This is a Provisional Informational Blog until we finish building the association’s Official Web Page... until we receive Grants or Donations or Sponsorships from individuals or private companies, as the "official aid" are "locked" (lack of funds?) by the economic crisis and political corruption ...

* Who We Are
We are various nonprofit NGOs: the Spanish AssociationAgainst Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity ( AELCSGNon -C) , the InternationalAssociation Against Non- Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (IAANon-CGS) , the LatinAmerican Association Against Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (ALLCSGNon-C) , the Friendship  Foundation and the Solidarity Chain Association, officially registered in Spain in 2006 (Reg 7248/2006 ). United by the World Federation of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Associations.
We got (8) eight years experience working in Malaga, helping more than 25,500 NOT Celiac people with Gluten problems ...  We are probably the most experienced organizations in Europe,  helping person to person, Non Celiac people with symptoms of N-C Gluten Sensitivity.

* Our Objectives
Report -Spread - AWARENESS to all people, about the possible serious problems to their health by consuming certain products containing Gluten , and especially in children under 12 years old ... in Spain, 647,000 children would already be affected…and in Europe, more than 7,1 Million children´s  would already be affected…Do you have children-grandchildren, nephews, cousins? Do you know, FOR SURE, that they are not among those affected? Do you care for their health or yours? ...  Our objectives are in accordance with the Basic Principlesof Health Promotion of the World Health Organization (WHO) ... Click on this link to read the full text of WHO principles.

* Can you HELP... ? (3 ways to do it)
1)  As a Solidarity Messenger@: Helping spread our Health message.  Sign Up, click the link  mensajeros.solidarios@gmail.com
2)  By becoming an Associate Member (Individual or Company) of our Association (FREE for individuals and Small Shops). Click the link http://solo-para-registro-de-socios-aelcsgnc.blogspot.com.es/
3)  By Donating what you can, to our Campaigns "HERE we care for Your Health"…To Donate, please Click this PayPal Secure Link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NARLX855KWWY4

* Can We HELP you..?...“YES, we can” ...
Offering you our Professional Assessment Test, On-Line (via Internet) ... the ET36-NonCGS© (Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Evaluation Test) ... we will assess whether products containing Gluten may be affecting your present or future Health, including children’s Health... The Test is FREE for the association’s Members…. To Become a member, will cost you only 3€, as a Registration Fee, and it includes the 1 Free Test…., and then, the monthly fee is COMPLETELY FREE, yes you read ok, is completely Free.
Help us, Help you, Help your family, become a Member…, click here to Register ... http://solo-para-registro-de-socios-aelcsgnc.blogspot.com.es/

To go to the On-Line Test Questionnaire, click on the appropriate link (Spanish or English)

1)  For Children's under 12 years old... the ET36-NonCGS© Children, in Englñish:  http://childrens-evaluation-test-et36-noncgs.blogspot.com.es/
2)  For Adults and Children's over 12 years old ... the ET36-NonCGS© Adults, in English:  http://adults-health-test-et36-non-cgs.blogspot.com.es/
3)  En Español, para niños menores de 12 años: el ET36-NonCGS© Niños,  http://test-et36-noncgs-para-menores-de12a.blogspot.com.es/
4)  En Español, para Adultos y niños mayors de 12 años, el ET36-NonCGS© Adultos,  http://adultos-test-de-evaluacion-et36-ncgs.blogspot.com.es/

FORM for the NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Health Evaluation Test  ET36-NonCGS©,  exclusively for children’s under 12 years old

This is a Professional Test from the International association Against Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and the Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Spañish association, test for children’s who are Non-Celiacs, to asses the relationship between certain symptoms that are affecting children’s today, and those in the new disease, the NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.

Questionnaire ONLY for Children’s under 12 years old

ET-36.Ch.1.  Do he/she suffer from "belly pain" when eating
Sweeties in moderate amounts?
 *Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.2.  Do he/she have any Attention Deficit Disorder?
or Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD)?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.3. Do he/she have weight loss, despite a good appetite?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.4. Do he/she have sudden weight changes (increases/decreases)?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET- 36.Ch.5. Do he/she have a delay of growth & development?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.6. Do he/she suffer from fatigue, weakness and/or lack of energy?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.7. Do he/she have irritability or tantrums without cause?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.8. Do he/she suffer, sometimes, from memory loss?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.9. Do he/she have defects in tooth enamel?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.10. Do he/she suffer from ear pain?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.11. Do he/she suffer from eczema?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.12. Do you use antibiotics in your child ?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.13. Do he/she suffer from headaches?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.Ch.14. Do he/she suffer from asthma?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.N.15. Do he/she suffer from constipation or diarrhea?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.N.16. Do he/she suffer from a bad cough?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.N.17. Do he/she suffer from severe allergies?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.N.18. Do he/she suffer from joint pain?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

ET-36.N.19. Do he/she suffer from depression?
*Often (2 pts)      *Occasionally (1 pt)      *Never (0 pt)
* Total Points on this symptom:

Add the Total Points on the 19 child´s  
Each answer has a number-points assigned:
* Often (2 pts)   * Occasionally (1 pt)    * Never (0 pt) .
Total up your answers in the 19 questions
and drop it here below :

Total Points Children’s section: ..........

Children’s Personal information
Child Name:
Child Age
Town / City:
Name of adult presenting the Test:
e-mail where to send Test Result (adult) :
Mobile phone (adult):

After completing all questions and the child’s info above,  all info should be sent via email to resultados.test.ET36.SGNC.asoc@gmail.com  for the professional interpretation of the Test.

Important Notes:
1) This Test Campaign is respectful with the Basic Principles for the Promotion and Education Health Food collected by W.H.O. (World Health Organization) as the Ottawa Charter of 1986, the Jakarta Declaration on Health Promotion in the XXI Century Indonesia of 1997 , and the 51st World Health Assembly of 1998.
2) This Test does not intended to diagnose any disease. The info provided is for informational and educational purposes, and not intended to replace medical advice or treatment.
3) This test is performed based on the Health Survey SF- 36v2TM Test of the Medical Institute of Health of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.A world renowned for the accurate scientific medical community as the most professional and effective in his kind.
4) For any questions about this Test, contact the Spanish Association Against the NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. asoc.esp.delucha.contrala.sgnc@gmail.com


1) What is the Spanish Association Against the NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (AELCSGNon-C)
A non profit organization registered in Spain (2006) with 8 (eight) years working experience in the province of Málaga, helping thousands of people with the problem ( now decease) NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.

2) Who are the International Association Against Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitibity ( IAANon-CGS ) and the Latino-American Association Association Against NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (ALLCSGNon-C)
They are dependent associations of the Spanish association, born with the objective of internationalizing communication campaigns, information and awareness about the serious health consequences (both short term and long term) that regular consumption of Gluten can mean. Where well recognised agencies as the  (WHO) World Health Organization or the Gluten Desease Foundation of USA, tell us not only about preventions risks, but also reveal us others very harmful adverse reactions to our health.

3) What is GLUTEN
It is a powerful Glyco-Protein, a Transgenic "genetically engineered" from the seed of Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye and Spelt, and contains hard type starch. Genetically manipulated, with many interests, that occurs much more than 10 years ago ... and as a result, the WHO (World Health Org ) and other independent ORG` s in 2012, certify that, in the last decade, Gluten consumption has increased more than 1000 times, giving rise to a new overall disorder-decease (clinical entity ?):  named The NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.
In addition to the wide variety of products containing these grains, GLUTEN is used in 90 % of all processed foods.

4) What is the NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NonC-SG)
According to the World Convention Health, Oslo 2012, is a new diagnosis decease (clinical entity?) which would cause stomach disorders such as:  bloating, gas, indigestion , heartburn , constipation , diarrhea ... neurological as: headaches, tingling, pain muscle, unexplained fatigue, sleep disturbances, anxiety and/or early depression, and may even be the cause of gaining weight (eating little), or no to lose weight (even making strict diets).
Before, when I was not a defined name, the doctors said: "It's a virus", but today, the virus-decease has its own name and surname: NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.
We could be defining symptoms, to some extent and time, affecting more than 50% of the world population.

5) Who may be affected by the NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity? (up to 50 % of the world population?)
According to the World Health Convention in Oslo 2012 (WHO), 10% of the world population could be affected. According to our association 8 years personal experience in treating - helping more than 25,500 people… we estimate that over 50 % of the Spanish population may be, to some extent, affected
In Spain, more than 647.000 children and more than  4.140.000 Adults could be affected (the WHO 10%), while we estimate that up to 3 million children under 12 years and more than 20 million Adults (50 % ) may suffer from related disorders because Gluten.
According to Dr Fine and Dr Ford, up to 50%  of the world population could be affected ... CLICK HERE, will take you to the information published by these well recognized medical doctors .

6) What is the process of diagnosis to the NonC-GS recommended by our Association
1) NonC-SG decease Suspected by patient symptoms.
2) Our Evaluation Tests assessment ET36-NonCGS©  to value and quantify symptoms.
3) Provisional Diagnosis as a result of the ET36-NonCGS© Test.
4) Test by Bio Resonance -ElectroMagnetic.
5) Provocation Test to certify diagnoses.
6) Assessment of Symptoms Reactions.
7) Final Diagnosis

7) What are the ET36-NonCGS© Test for Children and Adults (Health Evaluation Test 's for Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity)
They are two different Tests: the ET36-Non-CGS for children’s and the ET36-Non-CGS for Adults.
Both Tests allow examination of the relationship between certain symptoms suffered by people and those of the new decease, the NON-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.
The tests followed the guidelines of the SF-36 Test, Registered Property of Health Institute of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
According to the result of our Test ET36-NonCSG©,  we could recommend steps to significantly reduce current symptoms and prevent adverse reactions and serious risks of Gluten, (medium and long term risks) and side effects, according recognized ORG´s as the World 's Gluten Disease Foundation of California, USA .
Our Tests recommendations could lead to a definitive diagnosis, through Provocation Test System, generally recognized by the medical and scientific community, as the most reliable and acceptable method to confirm the decease.

8) What is the project & Campaigns: "HERE We really care for your Health"
Project objectives and campaigns are to spread AWARENESS and inform people on the serious problems caused to their HEALTH, by drinking or eating products containing GLUTEN.

9) What are the Campaigns "Donating HEALTH, Solidarity & WORK"
We are developing a series of campaigns to capture Sponsors and Corporate Sponsors for the Project, plus CrowdFunding Campaigns (micro-grants) to capture individual patrons who can help the success of the project and their campaigns.

10) The WHO (World Health Org) and our NGO campaigns
Our campaigns are based along the lines and in compliance with the Core Principles for Health Promotion, as determined by the WHO (World Health Organisation), in his 1986 Ottawa’s Letter, the Declaration of Jakarta, Indonesia, 1997, and the 51st World Assembly in 1998 on their XXI Century Health Promotions programme.

11) Who is the Spanish & International Business PRO-food Health Platform.
Our Associations are developing under his tutelage, a platform for creating new Spanish and International Business for manufacturers, distributors and marketers of products suitable for people WITHOUT Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, so, together, working on projects success…. Includes Supermarkets, Herbalists Associations and shops, plus Ecological Cooperatives and shops.

12) What is the OFFICIAL LIST & Guide, for Companies with GLUTEN-FREE Products, Suitable for people affected by the Non-Celiac GS…
A Official List & Guide (On- Line ) for Manufacturers (Marks), Distributors and Shops selling products suitable for people with the Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity decease.  Also include an official Restaurants Directory offering drinks and meals WITHOUT Gluten, as well as a neighborhood bakery directory, offering bread and pastries ....Gluten FRE and will include Ice Cream shops selling low or free Gluten products.

13) What are the 11.100 On-Line Shops “Gluten FREE DIRECT Line”
They are an on going project partnerships, for which we are developing the first new 11.100 On-Line Shops to Provide consumers a DIRECT On-Line access, to all products Gluten Free….

How Many People Have Gluten Sensitivity?

Updated April 09, 2013
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See About.com's Medical Review Board.

It's generally accepted that one in 133 people have celiac disease, a genetic condition resulting in intestinal damage whenever they ingest gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.
However, researchers only recently have identified non-celiacgluten sensitivity as a separate, distinct condition, and many in the medical field are waiting for confirmation of those still-new research findings before accepting gluten sensitivity as a possible diagnosis.
Given all that, plus the fact that there's no acceptedtest for gluten sensitivity, it's impossible to say for sure how many people may actually be gluten-sensitive. However, three prominent researchers in the field — Dr. Alessio Fasano, Dr. Kenneth Fine and Dr. Rodney Ford — recently spoke with me and speculated on what the percentages might be. Just note before you read on that the percentages they mention are based on their own (largely unpublished) research, and don't represent established medical opinion.
Fasano: Gluten Sensitivity May Affect 6% to 7% Overall
Dr. Fasano, director of the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research, published the first study looking at the molecular basis for gluten sensitivity and how it differs from celiac disease. He also participated in the research concluding that celiac disease incidence is one in every 133 people.
According to Dr. Fasano, gluten sensitivity potentially affects far more people than celiac disease. He estimates about 6% to 7% of the U.S. population may be gluten-sensitive, meaning some 20 million people in the United States alone could have the condition.
Symptoms of gluten sensitivity in this population can include digestive problems, headaches, rashes and eczema-like skin symptoms, brain fog and fatigue, Dr. Fasano says. Almost one-third of those he's diagnosed as gluten-sensitive report brain fog and headaches as symptoms, he says.

Drs. Ford, Fine Say Percentage Could Be Far Higher — Up To 50%
Dr. Ford, a pediatrician in Christchurch, New Zealand and author of The Gluten Syndrome, says he believes the percentage of people who are gluten-sensitive actually could be much higher — potentially between 30% and 50%.
"There are so many people who are sick," he says. "At least 10% are gluten-sensitive, and it's probably more like 30%. I was sticking my neck out years ago when I said at least 10% of the population is gluten-sensitive. My medical colleagues were saying gluten sensitivity didn't exist. We'll probably find it's more than 50% when we finally settle on a number."
Dr. Fine, a gastroenterologist who founded and directs the gluten sensitivity testing serviceEnterolab, agrees that gluten sensitivity probably affects half the population.
Dr. Fine suspects that 10% to 15% of all Americans have blood antibodies (either AGA-IgA or AGA-IgGantibodies) to gluten, which would indicate their immune systems are reacting to the protein.
Another large percentage of Americans have autoimmune disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic headaches and/or microscopic colitis, which place them at high risk for gluten sensitivity. About 60% to 65% of people with those conditions test positive for gluten sensitivity through Enterolab, Dr. Fine says.
Meanwhile, about 20% to 25% of people with no symptoms are diagnosed with gluten sensitivity based on Enterolab testing results, Dr. Fine says.
"When we did the math, we came up with the number of about one in two are gluten-sensitive," he says.
Meanwhile, Dr. Fine says he believes the one in 133 estimate for people who have celiac disease may be too high — "I think it's more like one in 200. I'm fully aware of the one in 133 study, but that was an invited and somewhat biased selection." Other studies have placed the incidence of celiac disease at around one in 200 people to one in 250 people, and Dr. Fine says he thinks those are more accurate.
What Do These Gluten Sensitivity Numbers Mean?
At the moment, these potential percentages of people who may have gluten sensitivity represent pure speculation on the part of these physicians and researchers — the studies simply haven't been done to prove whether they're accurate or far-fetched.
Fasano A. et. al. Spectrum of gluten-related disorders: consensus on new nomenclature and classification. BMC Medicine. BMC Medicine 2012, 10:13 doi:10.1186/1741-7015-10-13. Published: 7 February 2012